The South African Majorette and Cheerleading Association
The origin of Drum Majorettes, or “Drummies”, is not clear-cut, but the sport has its roots in the traditions of Military drill and Marching bands. The earliest documentary evidence of Drum Majorettes on record is in the form of pictures of female drum majors that appeared on cigar boxes in the Americas and Europe in the late 1800s.
The first known mention of "Marching Girls" in South Africa is found in the school record books of St Dominic’s School in Gauteng, dating back to 1923. At that time, and up until Drum Majorettes became a recognised competitive sport, Drum Majorettes took the form of a number of female marching troupes performing at sport events, fêtes, charity functions and street parades.
Official Drum Majorette competitions began in 1974, mainly in the former Transvaal province (Gauteng).
In 1978, the first Drum Majorette organisation in South Africa, known as the West Rand Drum Majorette Association, was formed. As the sport gained regional popularity, additional areas and Provinces formed their own Associations, culminating in the foundation of the South African National Drum Majorette Association (SANDMA) in 1983. This Association later became known as the South African Drum Majorette Association (SADMA). In 2011 the Association included Cheerleaders and today, the National body responsible for Drum Majorettes and Cheerleading is the South African Majorette and Cheerleading Association (SAMCA).
In 1981, the first Adjudicators’ Board for the official judging of the sport was founded in the former Transvaal.
Today, SAMCA is the SASCOC recognised Federation for Majorettes and Cheerleaders in South Africa. SAMCA is also a member of numerous International bodies associated with various disciplines of our sport. SAMCA is a full member of the Majorette-Sport World Federation and the International Cheer Union, and participates on a regular basis at the World Championships of these International federations. Many SAMCA Athletes have had the privilege of participating internationally making South Africa proud
In 2012, SAMCA was registered as a Non-profit organisation.

SAMCA's Executive consists of the following board members:
- Chairperson
- Vice Chairperson
- Treasurer
- Trainers Representative
- Deputy Trainers Representative
- Chief Adjudicator
- Deputy Chief Adjudicator
- Chief Scorer
- Development Officer
- Competition Manager
SAMCA's Goals
- Developing young people to reach their full potential – whether emotional, social, physical, or cognitive – through participation within the sport.
- Promoting group development and a competitive spirit.
- Improving Skills
- Recognizing the principles of winning and losing
- Encouraging athletes to manage time
Participating Majorettes can enter the sport from a young age, and continue into the Tertiary section.
Cheerleader athletes can also commence from an early age and can participate in the Tertiary Section.
The Constitution of SAMCA dictates as to how the Association is to be managed, and is strictly adhered to, to ensure good governance, transparency and professionalism. SAMCA continues to provide a professional service to all Athletes and treating all with respect and dignity. Each Province has a Provincial Chairperson who supports SAMCA and its Constitution.
SAMCA is also responsible for Marching Teams who affiliated to SAMCA in 2021.